
We have been planning a trip to France since 2020--basically the story of everyone on the planet--but Covid got in the way. This year, we finally got to board a plane and fly across the States and the Atlantic to the place of cheese and bread. We flew, but this time COVID accompanied us on our adventures. But, our unwanted partner didn't stop us from enjoying the sights and foods of what has come to be my favorite country.

My first brush with COIVD came after I had just boarded the plane to leave. I had hugged my sweet neighbor good bye and it turns out he was positive for COVID. So, the first five days of vacation were spent in quarantine, with a few careful moments masked outside. One such outing was to the Hôtel de Ville in Poitiers. The sun and clouds set a dramatic background to a charming square filled with children playing, people lying on oversized geometric lounge chairs that easily facilitate conversation, skateboarders practicing tricks, and people passing by. The scene almost makes me forget the looming possibility of having COVID in another country.

We spent a lot of time in the hotel room, so I spent a lot of time sitting by the window and I saw this scene. I had to take a shot!

All in all it was a great (and COVID free) beginning to my french vacation!