During Covid I Joined Camera Clubs...

and this is why

Camera clubs (well any club really) are great ways to meet like minded people, who share the same interests (compulsions) as you. Photography is a social endeavor, so camera clubs are the perfect place to safely socialize, and save yourself from being kicked out of the safety of your bubble by family members tired of hearing about how your new lens captures the most creamy the bokeh , the amazing shot you took of the last roll of toilet paper, or the best paper to print all the images you are collecting. I could go on, but my wife might be reading this and I don't want to take any chances.

Before I joined a camera club, I had the mistaken notion that all camera clubs are a collection of white haired men talking about how big their lenses are and no place for a blonde (ok gray) haired girl from the mid-west. I discovered the opposite to be true, especially with Palo Alto Camera Club. Here I found a spirit of camaraderie and instant friends. I heard myself talking about the size of my lenses, and found it comforting. I listened to other members discourse, and found it meaningful. I discussed what works in another member's image and how to make it better, and found I was learning to make my own photos better.

Because of the camera club, I am a better photographer. I honed the skills I learned in school by giving and listening to thoughtful feedback about images. I used the